Ok, Can We Talk About Thom Browne For A Moment?

Anyone who has read this blog for a while knows that I have always supported what Thom meant to New York menswear. The work he began several seasons ago was a giant step forward, and put New York menswear back on the map.

At his show last week, I felt like it was just more of the same (same shapes, same colors, same proportions), and what was new was unwearable.

The other thing that’s getting old is that it’s all done with such deadly seriousness. I like when someone like Yohji does really advanced work, but it’s always done with a wink.

Thom is getting close to a one-trick pony. I hope he proves me wrong, and maybe the Brooks Brothers gig will open a whole new chapter in his evolution, but I'm starting to get tired of waiting for something new.

Am I off base here?

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