Nana Boateng

I try to make this blog more about style than fashion. Nana Boateng is a fashion designer with a very well developed style. I cannot really speak about his designs because I haven't seen any but when I met him the other day he just struck me as a guy that loved life and used his clothing as a way of expressing that joy. The clothes he is wearing in the picture above real capture the bold, vibrancy of his personality.

Nana spent his early years in Ghana but grew up all around the world (Rome, London, New York) and has such an honesty and refreshing enthusiasms for being in America and beginning his career in fashion. I asked him if his cousin ,Oswald Boateng, had been a big influence on him growing up. Surprisingly, Nana said his biggest sartorial influence was his uncle. He remembers his uncle's collection of exotic fragrances, how he had his shoes all made in Germany, and when it rained his uncle would wrap his shoes and walk barefoot through the streets of North London.

Isn't funny the little things we remember from childhood that end up having a huge influence on our lives?

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