Several people have inquired about how my APC jeans (that I purchase before Sept fashion week/month) worked out for me.

All of you were right - the waist did stretch out comfortably BUT they are still tight in my calfs.

I am considering Jeanie-o-plasty (Angioplasty - is a medical procedure in which a balloon is used to open arteries around the heart)

I think I will get a weather balloon, insert it into the slim legs of my jeans and begin pumping it up with a bicycle pump until they have stretched to the desirable circumference !
(It is still undetermined if I will be wearing the jeans during this procedure)

I have also considered letting two gerbils live in the legs of my pants and feeding them nonstop until they grow to just past the size of my calfs ( again, it is undetermined if I will be wearing the jeans during this procedure!)

if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave them for me in the comments sections

Don't forget, you got me into these jeans and now I can't get out!


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