The futuristic vampire

There's something which I really walk behind. I wasn't a true follower of The Twilight Saga. But now I am. I'm totally addicted. I'm reading Eclipse at the moment, and after the books I'll watch the movies. I was already aware of the overall story (and Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, of course), because you couldn't avoid the Twilight-madness. But now I'm official a fan. I think vampires are hot. They are the ultimate good looking bad boys.
So because I'm totally in to the Twilight and vampire sphere, I choose an outfit with the standard "vampire colours". Namely black and red. I like the combination of these two colours. I think it has something mysterious, which is nice.
Oh, and by the way! Don't focus to much on the last picture. I know it looks like a ridiculous circus act, but I only want to show you my shoes and nails at close quarters, HA HA. :)
What do you think of the sort of futuristic print on the dress? Let me know!

We aren't going to change who we are.. - Edward Cullen

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