Style Profile...Duckie Brown

I love it when I meet a designer (or in this case, two) and they are as funny, relaxed and as full of personality as the clothes they design. Steven (left) and Daniel's (right) views on personal style are as quirky as the Duckie Brown collection they design.

Best Sartorial advice from your Dad?
Steven: "sometimes it's ok not to bother”
Daniel: "be yourself"

I build my daily look around.
S: The mood I’m in
D: My jeans

The first thing I look at in another Sartorialist’s outfit.
S: Face and Jacket
D: Shoes

I splurge when buying.
S: Bags and shoes
D: Shoes

I only buy __________ in Europe
S: underwear
D: Vivienne Westwood

Favorite store
S: Zucca
D: Church Mouse - a second hand shop in Palm Beach

Most stylish city.
S: London
D: London

When I was high school I wore.
S: A Scholl uniform
D: A smiley face t-shirt

Shine your own shoes?
S: Yes
D: Yes

I always dress my best for….?
S: Nan (Grandma)
D: My Mother and Father

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