L'amour du jour

You can say that some clothing makes it easier to make friends than other clothing. If this is true, you'd make a lot of new friends when you're wearing this dress. Namely, it has a very high cute-level. The floralprint is a bit vintage-looking and the lacebow on the back makes it all the more adorable. Honestly, I've to confess that I didn't look the whole day like I do on the pictures. I didn't wear my glasses and I wore my hair down. But my eyes hurt a bit, so I decided to grab my glasses - I didn't hate the fact I've to wear my glasses with this outfit because one I think the black of the glasses fits well with the outfit and two it's more comfortable to wear my hair up with this scarf (and I always combined glasses with my hair up, I think it looks better). The boots are still my favorites, because they are comfortable, gorgeous ánd they protect my legs against the cold (it's so freezing at the moment).

Dress - ARAFEEL, Scarf - H&M, Glasses - Spijkers en Spijkers, Boots - Cinderella

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