SLiq Updates: Thanks, Twitter, Pages, Changes, etc.

[Our temporary blog and twitter avatar, courtesy of Scarlett Lion]

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Dear readers,

First up - a big, BIG thank you for sticking around and reading our humble blog! We really appreciate your comments and kind words :-) Our blog is nowhere near as awesome as we know it can be, so please bear with us as we find the time, team, and resources to create a bigger and better blog that showcases the best and brightest out-of-Africa fashion brands. Here are some quick updates for you:

- We're on Twitter! We've been on for a few weeks now, trying to get the hang of it...and so far, so good! Please follow us to read our random outbursts and to read more fabulous out-of-Africa content! Feel free to say hi whenever!

- We've created a separate page for events, especially events going on in Lagos, Nigeria. Please stay tuned to that page as we'll update it as often as we find events worth listing. The link to our events page can also be found at the top left corner of our blog [under our header].

- More new pages and changes are coming, so don't be too startled if you see them popping up all over the place! 

Thanks for reading and have a fabulous weekend! If you're in Lagos, there's plenty to get up to! See our event listings for this weekend and beyond here.


Team SLiq

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