Dear Sartorialist
I love your blog TS. It's just wonderful! It's really a gift!
Can you help me. I'm trying to find men's shorts that are tapered like Italian slacks. Thin in the leg instead of the ridiculous blouson shorts made by every single American manufacturer (and many European ones as well). I buy most of my suits/pants at Eredi Pisano. They have shorts in their catalog but you can't get them here. Burberry's has some thin ones but they are only so so. Borrelli's are wide (surprising). Any ideas?
Dear Reader
I don't know where to find truly tapered shorts (some of the madras seem a little more slim if you like madras) but shorter shorts are on the horizon which will have a more slimming effect.
Think tennis shorts - I saw a few editors in Europe during the mens shows doing it and I'm now seeing realistic versions in the showrooms.
Here is a guy at the Junya Watanabe show wear the shorter short successfully

Thanks for the question, I hope it helps.
Do any of the readers have a suggestion on slim shorts?