This is this gentleman's second time on The Sartorialist (I also featured him during Fashion Week back in Feb, he was wearing a great bowtie then also) I love that his style is just this side of Dandy. The cut and shape and quality are all very respectable but he makes this look outstanding by choosing a reasonable shade of green and then pairing it with high-quality, serious accessories.
In the wrong hands this could have gone clownish but he really pulls it off.
He has also created a signature for himself with his elegant bowtie. if you think about it most guys with great style have something that is their signature, (a color or brand or an accessory) it may be subtle but it is always there. Do you know what your sartorial signature is? Mine is always having a camera stuck to my hand!

Very Well Done - and a nice way to advance seersucker past just blues and tans.