The favorite items outfit

What was in the Guess' bag in my previous post? This amazing leather jacket! It's definitely a great investment. It's worth his price. I think I felt in love with an item again, haha. I wore this outfit yesterday. I combined it with my bag that's same-colored as the belt I'm wearing, but accidentally I left it in the car so you can't see it on the pictures.

Now I'm watching the pictures again, I notice that I combined all of my favorite items for this outfit. The orange dress is from Romwe and I really love it. Orange is one of my adorations at the moment, and chiffon is always a good choice when it's sunny. Then you have the boots and the sunglasses, who were also worth the money because - as you probably have seen - I wear them a lot. And last but not least, the bright yellow nailpolish. Such a great color, very playful. I'm sure my nails love it, haha.

dress - Romwe

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