Tattoos, rituals and dances

Even though the day started raining, the day ended with a shining sun in the sky. I went to the museum to see a new exposition about the Maori tribe with my mother. I'm really fascionated with this tribe. The tattoos, the rituals, the dance (especially the dances and the songs, woaaah those rocks). We took a few pictures inside the museum - which I'll show you another time - but I preferred the shots we took outside. I'm wearing the bag I showed you in the previous post. And what was in it? Among others there was this great blouse! If I'm honest to you, I've never wore a blouse before (yes, I'm serious), but I really like this one. I've got a million ways to style it in mind, so you'll definitely see it again. I've to hurry myself for an appointment in a few minutes, so I gotta go now. I hope you'll entertain yourselves with the outfitpictures and I'd recommend the facebook page of Outfitters Nation. It's really worth liking it.

Blouse and bag - Outfitters Nation

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