The documentary titled ‘Benazir and Democracy’ won the Certificate of Merit in the Category of Documentary on History and Biography at the Chicago Film Festival Hugo Television Awards.
Pakistan’s private TV channel, produced the documentary, which was aired on December 27, 2009, private TV channel won the award for its contribution in over viewing the future of democracy in Pakistan at the 2009 Hugo Television Award ceremony in Chicago, USA as well.
The award was received by Farah Jamal-Uddin, producer of the documentary. Ms. Jamal-Uddin has been working with private TV for more than a year now.
Farah Jamal-Uddin is also the person behind producing the documentary, which won the hearts of all the judges.
Speaking at the occasion Ms. Farah shared "I am extremely honored to be recognized for playing a part in influencing the ever-advancing field of television and making Pakistan proud of her greatest leader, Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto".
She further said that "the content and object of this documentary was to overview the future of democracy, after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto who strived for the institution of democracy her whole life and came to a tragic ending".
The documentary was shown on Benazir Bhutto's first death anniversary, December 27, 2009 on private as part of its tribute to a strong personality in the Pakistan political scenario and who has shaped the future of the democratic agenda for Pakistan.
The award show was a celebration of the 45th anniversary of the Hugo Television Awards.
These awards are held on an annual basis to honor the important events, beloved personalities, and inspiring ideas that have shaped the unforgettable moments of television.
Every year the most innovative members of the television industry submit their work to the Hugo Television Awards to be recognized as a leader in the field.
This year the 2009 Hugo Television Awards was launched with the theme of raising the standard of quality in all aspects of the medium.
Reported by Aaj.tv