Remember that last Prada show where the girls kept falling down?
I was wondering if anyone got the shot - the hand on the right is me catching one of the girls as she fell.
The young lady in this photo had already fallen three times before she reached me and fell again about five steps past me. I have never seen a more terrified girl on the runway - it was very difficult to watch. Finally she took the shoes off and walked in bare feet the rest of the way. A lot of people had thought that the reason the girls kept falling was because the heels were too high. Actually, it was the little cotton socks that were inside the shoes. The girls couldn't keep their heels in the shoes correctly. If you think Lara Stone looks stern in her everyday life, she looked five times more serious trying to make it around the maze/catwalk in those shoes.
Did Miuccia ever explain her side of why the girls kept slipping? Maybe the samples were late and they were not able to check them correctly?