The Made in Africa trend continues. Diane Von Furstenberg - woman extraodinaire and advocate of women worldwide - featured African-made accessories in her Spring 2010 collection in collaboration with Vital Voices (VV). VV (of which DVF is a prominent member) exists to celebrate, support and empower "extraordinary" women worldwide.
The telephone wire bracelets featured above were made by Zulu artisans in South Africa, while the beaded necklace was created by a Kenyan artisan and activist Rebecca Lolosoli, herself a woman's woman. She is the founder of Umoja Uaso Women's Organization, "a safe haven for women and girls fleeing abuse" and "a training center for those seeking to promote human rights, economic empowerment, and the preservation of indigenous arts and crafts." The video below on her life and work is a must-see:
What a woman! Very nicely done, DVF, Vital Voices and all the fabulous women involved in this project.
To purchase the telephone wire bracelets above or similar options:
To purchase the necklace and other gorgeous pieces from the Umoja women: