[Photos graciously taken by F, 1/3 of TeamSliq]
In very exciting news, New Media Entrepreneur Uche Eze (of Bellanaija.com) appeared on the Oprah show today! What a moment! She contributed to a show centered on varying standards of beauty around the world and spoke about beauty trends in Nigeria - the new penchant for imported hair extensions and the attention to health and fitness. She also spoke about Nigerian women in glowing terms, explaining that a combination of physical and intellectual beauty is what's most respected. We thought her short but sweet segment was balanced and well-rounded and Uche seemed very much herself. Fab chic!
So what did she wear?
[Photos courtesy of Bellanaija.com]
Her first look was a sharp sleeveless turquoise Vlisco print dress designed by Tiffany Amber and first seen on the runways of her Vlisco show last year. The dress appears to have pockets and is adorned by organza and print petals close to the hem. It's certainly more fitted and longer on Uche than it was on the model and she wears it like it was designed with her in mind. Great choice!
Her second look was a fabulous peach jacket with bold possibly embroidered details also by Tiffany Amber.
We wish Bella and her team continued success in all they do! Big, big congratulations!
Watch part of Bella's appearance here.