From WWD yesterday
ON THE STREETS: DKNY Jeans hit the streets for spring. The brand’s new ad campaign, conceived by Laird + Partners, was shot by Scott Schuman in his famous “The Sartorialist” format. The ads showcase a mix of New York notables including Sean Lennon, Daisy Lowe, DJ Coleman, Luc Worrell and Chanel Iman. The campaign is a departure for the DKNY Jeans brand (which is owned by Liz Claiborne Inc.). Not only is this Schuman’s first time shooting for the brand (and his first time shooting a major campaign), but the ads present the collection with one or two individuals in each image, rather than in the usual group format.
Patti Cohen, executive vice president of marketing and communications for Donna Karan International, said the campaign reflects everything that Karan thinks about when she thinks of denim. “Donna always says that jeans are not about a season, but rather part of your skin, something you can’t live without,” Cohen said. “So we wanted to make a personal statement about jeans and fashion and Scott seemed so perfect to shoot this. He brings such a freshness to street style.”
The ads each showcase an individual in a caught-on-the-street style in several areas of the city. The idea, Cohen said, was to highlight a broad spectrum of personal styles, which can easily be translated from the streets of New York to a suburban mall.
Despite the recession, Cohen said the company isn’t planning to cut back on advertising for the DKNY Jeans brand. She said the ads will hit for spring, beginning with the February issues of such books as In Style, Elle, GQ and Details as well as online and on billboards across the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
— Julee Kaplan
When I showed up for the first day of the shoot I was walking around 39th street trying to figure out which mobile home was for me. I figured the other mobile homes were for another shoot or some other event happening nearby. Eventually one of the assistants came out and found me. I asked her, "which mobile home is ours?" She said "They're all ours."
4 mobile homes, 2 cube trucks and several vans and cars is quite a different set-up from my usual "on the street" shooting style but when it came time to take the shots everything was as normal as any other day (except for the hair and makeup people) (oh, and the stylist) (oh yeah, and the caterer) (and the dancing Russian bears I requested - I've gotta have some crazy requests right?)