wanted: a chanel purse

ever wanted something you can't afford and have no hope of affording anytime in the near future (i.e. tomorrow)? YES? well, we've gone and fallen in love with the big one and lambskin/classic status/uber sexiness aside, $2,000 + is a helluva lotta $$$$ to drop on a purse. no harm in looking, though, right? sigh. so, tell us, what do you secretly or not-so-secretly covet? and what's the most you've ever spent on any one item? any regrets? we'll 'fess up right after you! lol. promise! okay, we'll go first. LOL. we've come preeeeetty close to breaking the bank with louboutins (no regrets there!!) & a certain member of teamliquorice actually OWNS a chanel tote, thanks to parents who love her, LOL. but 2/3 of us remain chanelless...don't weep for us, though! we all fully intend to marry rich! LOL. jay kayyyyy!


p.s. in case anyone out there wanted to know the history of the chanel purse (the things we google during our lunch breaks are a bit random. sorry.), look no further than here!

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