On The Street.....Vintage Biker

I was a little surprised by how many of the survey responders mentioned that they shop a lot on Ebay.
For a guy like this, Ebay has been a dream - he told me that the original '20's golf pants with original paper tags still attached were from Ebay. Tall socks (hard to find?, apparently) are also a treasured find on Ebay. I knew this guy was really living the dream when, as we spoke, he took out paper and rolled his own cigarette (cigarette?, yeah , pretty sure).
New York magazine is doing a piece on people who are really into vintage and this gentleman is in it - I can't wait to read it. The only thing that is unsettling about the "vintage lovers" is that they are so often overboard - The music, the furniture, the clothes. For me, what would have made this outfit better, would be if he was listening to Kayne West on his tweed covered iPod.

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