Men Soccer Fashion
Men Hairstyles: Haircare Tips
As hair loss issues become one of the most concerns of men, regardless of their ages. It is important for us to stress on hair care further (There was a earlier post on hair care tips, to find out earlier post, click here: man health: how to take care of your hair). Most of us are overwhelming by many ads for shampoos and styling products you see on television that claim to promote "healthy hair!" Let's get real, people!
There is no such thing as "healthy hair." Hair is basically made up of protein and keratin. The hair itself has no blood supply and no nervous system. Hair is not alive, so it cannot be "healthy" Because hair is not a living structure, it cannot repair itself and must be maintained properly to preserve strength, elasticity, and shine. Some shampoos and conditioners claim to "repair the damage" to your hair. They simply cannot. Once hair is damaged, the only way to "repair" it is to cut off the damaged length. The following are a few tips to keep your hair looking great... looking "healthy!"
Dry Your HairTowel Drying is one of the leading causes of damage to men's hair. Guys love to take a towel and rub that hair like crazy. The problem here is that when hair is wet, it is also very easily damaged. When "rubbing" the hair with a towel, some of the hairs become tangled in the threads of the towel and are stretched to the breaking point, causing damage to the cuticle and split ends. To minimize damage from towel drying, shake out the excess water and then stroke your hair with the towel in the direction it grows. This may take a bit longer but it's worth it.
Blow Drying is also a leading cause of hair damage. It can dry out the hair and scalp. We strongly recommend not to use blow dryer, but if you must blow, then you might want to follow these tips.
- To prevent damage from blow drying, apply a thermal styling spray to the hair. This will make it easier to comb and protect against heat damage.
- Make sure to hold the dryer 6-10 inches away from the hair and move it briskly from side to side. This will keep the hair from becoming damaged by heat.
- Avoid drying the hair completely. Leaving the hair slightly damp will prevent drying out the hair.
Easy On That Comb, Pal,
Watch the Pool Water.Pool water contains chemicals that can dry, damage, and discolor hair. To minimize damage from chlorine and other chemicals, always wet the hair with tap water before entering the pool and wash with tap water after swim. This will help prevent your hair from absorbing water from the pool and wash away the chlorine or other chemicals after swim.
Avoid Chemical Abuse
Balance diet. Eating well, drinking plenty of water, taking vitamins, getting plenty of sleep, and living a stress free lifestyle will promote faster growth of the hair. The hair is often a reflection of the entire body. A body that is healthy and well maintained will likely have hair that is strong, shiny, and "healthy looking."
So remember, all these tips are not one time event, but are continuous effort.
Dress Shoes: Reveal the Secret of Your Personality

Tags: men fashion, men dress shoes, man fashion tips
How to Look For Your Perfect Fashion Dress Shoes?
- Style and Fashion
Within the dress shoe genre there are casual dress shoes that are really more like fancy moccasins and more elegant dress shoes made of elaborate exotic skins. Depend on what occasion and your dress code, you wouldn’t want to wear a casual dress shoes to attend a gala dinner at a 5 stars hotel ballroom. In short, your fashion dress shoes should be dressy depending upon what you wear with them and the occasion you are going to attend.
- Durability
Most men dress shoes are made of leather. It is important to know what constitutes good leather since this material covers about 80 – 90% of the dress shoe. Generally, base on layman’s sight and touch, we focus on a smooth with consistent fine grain on the leather for men fashion dress shoes details. The leather should feel rich and supple. Still it is difficult for any layman to assess the quality of leather unless you really know leather very well.

Hence, instead of trying to focus 100% on the leather itself, it should put some attention on the construction of the men fashion dress shoes such as lining, stitching, soles and heels.
Believe me, I would suggest you rather spend a little more money upfront for a good pair of shoes that will last several years than to pay $20 or $30 bucks for shoes that won't last one year or less.
- Frequency
In other word, the biggest consideration in shoes that are worn daily should be support to give you comfort and prevent injury.
Lastly, whatever you choose be sure they are comfortable and durable so that they will feel good and last a long time.
Tags: Men Fashion, Perfect fashion dress shoes, Fashion and Style, Durability, Frequency, Fashion leather shoes
New Men Collection from Bill Blass New York

Photo: Men.Style.com
Tags: Bill Blass, Man Fashion, Michael Bastian, CFDA, Men Fashion Designer, Spring 2008 Men
Who is the most trusted man in Fashion?
It couldn't be true. Mr. Armani has worked his fingers to the bone to be a world-renowned designer; spent a fortune advancing the idea too. And what about Valentino, Karl Lagerfeld, Stella McCartney and those boys - what are their names? - Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana? They don't even make the list. Shut out of America. Ignored. Trumped. It's true.
The Donald J. Trump collection of suits, ties and dress shirts has been available for the last year at Macy's and other Federated department stores, a couple of hundred outlets in all. Terry J. Lundgren, the chief executive of Federated, has characterized the Trump apparel business as "an unbelievable runaway success." Mr. Trump doesn't design the clothes, he doesn't make them, and he doesn't spend a dime to promote them. And unlike most designers, he doesn't expend any effort trying to convince the American public that a billionaire, the keeper of Mar-a-Lago, the defender of capitalist culture, would dump his $5,000 Brioni suits in favor of his own $495 make. He wears his suits, which are produced for a royalty by a firm called Marcraft, but he also wears the other.
"I like Brioni; they treat me fantastically," Mr. Trump said last Friday from Florida, where he was watching a women's golf tournament at one of his clubs.
He may have been surprised himself to learn that he had done in a year of light lifting what has taken Ralph Lauren nearly 40 years to accomplish. That is, according to the survey, by Brand Keys, a marketing company in New York, his brand is seen as having the qualities that consumers most desire in clothes, namely comfort, style and fit. Brand Keys asked 500 adults, chosen from the nine census regions, to rate a total of 1,200 brands, ranging from banks and fast-food chains to apparel and consumer electronics.
Out of 50 fashion brands, however, only five ranked in the top category, called Human Brands, which simply meant that whether you hailed from a red state or a blue one, said "tomato" or "tumaytuh," you recognized values beyond the commoditized subsoil of price. The five were Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Isaac Mizrahi, Victoria's Secret and, of course, Donald Trump.
A number of designer labels fell into a next-best category, called 21st-Century Brands, which suggested that names like Prada, Armani and Versace also resonated with consumers but without the same degree of meaning as the Human types. The inclusion in a third, more lowly category, Label, of Anne Klein, Bill Blass and Calvin Klein points up the staying power of a name long after the company's founder has died or retired and its product has struggled to be relevant.
Source: NYTimes.com
Tags: man fashion, Donald J. Trump, Giorgio Armani, Donna Karen,television star, human brands, 21st century brands, Label brands
7 Men Fashion to avoid in 2008
- Skinny Jeans for men
- Male V-neck T-shirt
- Bright shoes for men
- Man scarfs
- Giant sunglass
- Patent leather
- Metallics clothing

Tags: 2008 men fashion, skinny jeans, V-neck T-Shirt, Bright shoes, Metallic fashion
Boxing Day Sale
This year, Boxing Day came early -- at least in New York City. Sales started everywhere on the street: Gucci, Guess, D&G, Marc Jacobs, Barney's, etc. Even online retailers have been going on sale earlier than ever before.
So, does this must mean that retailers are desperate because US retail market is in the doldrums? Maybe, is too early to tell, but one thing for sure, you don't want to miss this crazy sale on this Boxing Day.
Man Fashion: Color Matching
Here are just two of the online color matching schme websites that I visited most often.
Enjoy matching.
Richest Lady Want Perfect Man for Christmas
Paris Hilton has just one thing on her wish list--a perfect man.

When asked what she wants for Christmas, Paris told Germany's Vanity Fair magazine: "A man to fall in love with, one for life. Someone that I can start a family with."
Do you think she is just dreaming or this can be reality? So any taker or volunteer here?
Men Fashion and Football

On the Street.....Bergdorf Window, Manhattan

I love this mix of herringbone and plaid
you really have to click to enlarge the image to get the details
January GQ

Some of you misunderstood me earlier (I'm sure it was my fault) but this is the gentleman named Milwaukee.
I really like this as a photo and it will be included in my exhibit coming next month at Danziger Projects.
I will discuss a little more about the exhibit soon but I will announce that there will be an opening night party the evening of January 22nd and you are all invited!
On the Street.....The Colorist, 42nd St.

One of the best color performances I have seen in a long time.
In case you are wondering, she is carrying a jar of herbal tea.
How to Maintain Your Style and Saving account
However, one of my colleague James was different. He was always tastefully dressed, his clothes predating the next fashion trend. Almost every time I asked him where he got his clothes he told me he bought them at a thrift store. There was something else about James's style that no one else had - serenity, mean he had ZERO DEBT. He was in full control of his spending and it was palpable.

James clearly had his own sense of style. With a little creativity and a small investment of time, he was able to act on it. I'm not quote you have to forego shopping at your most approved stores to be able to afford a big item like car or house. What I am proverb is - instead of desperately searching for the exact jean tom Cruise wore to his latest movie premier and paying bank for it off the rack - be a little daring and create your own style based on what you may afford.
Defining your own style takes instant and it evolves. Read fashion magazines, watch movies and see what you like. But instead of mimicking what you see, adapt it. Learn to trust your instinct. Learn what looks grand on your body structure (very important). Every time you see a young gentleman wearing fashion jeans that obviously shouldn't be, take it as a reminder that not every fashion trend is for everyone.
Fashion isn't about conforming - its about creating.
Blog Archive
- Happy New Year from a-man-fashion
- Men Soccer Fashion
- Men Hairstyles: Haircare Tips
- Dress Shoes: Reveal the Secret of Your Personality
- How to Look For Your Perfect Fashion Dress Shoes?
- New Men Collection from Bill Blass New York
- On the Street...East Village, Manhattan
- Who is the most trusted man in Fashion?
- 7 Men Fashion to avoid in 2008
- On the Street...Union Square, Manhattan
- On the Street....Lower East Side, Manhattan
- Boxing Day Sale
- Men Fashion: Punk Street Fashion
- Men Fashion: Asian Street Fashion
- DKNY 2008 Spring Collection
- Man Fashion: Color Matching
- Richest Lady Want Perfect Man for Christmas
- Men Fashion and Football
- On the Street.....Ray Chu, East Village
- On the Street.....14th Street, West Village
- On the Street.....Bergdorf Window, Manhattan
- January GQ
- On the Street.....The Monochromist, Manhattan
- On the Street.....The Colorist, 42nd St.
- On the Street.....I Feel Like I'm at Pitti Already...
- How to Maintain Your Style and Saving account
- Man Fashion: Fashion in Holiday Dos and Dont's
- On the Street..... Knit Outerwear, Nolita
- January GQ preview
- 2008 New Year eCard
- 2008 Men Hairstyle
- Little help!....Lidfort, Vass, Solid-Toe Shoe trees
- On the Street..... CDG Tailoring, London
- Man Fashion: Skirt for Men
- On the Street.....Melanie, Paris
- On the Street.....Photographer, Paris
- Men 10 essentials in the closet
- From the Frieze Art Fair, London
- Who is your favorite Fashion Designer?
- Perfect Christmas Gifts For Your Love One
- On the Street....Sodermalm, Stockholm
- On the Street....Sodermalm, Stockholm
- On the Street....Sodermalm, Stockholm
- Man Hairstyle and Face Shape
- From the Frieze Art Fair, London
- GQ: 33 Men of The Year
- Black Coat Monday......Black & Brown, Midtown
- Black Coat Monday......Madison Ave., NYC
- On the Street.....Greene St., Soho
- On the Street.....Mory on Madison Ave., Midtown
- Man Fashion: Street Fashion Hairstyle
- Resources: 12 Men Fashion Magazines
- On the Street.....Some Kinda Blue, Midtown
- On the Street.....Off Madison Ave., Uptown
- Men Casual Wear: Back to Basic
- On the Street.....Park Ave., Uptown
- On the Street.....Winter White, Uptown
- On the Street.....Madison Ave., Uptown
- On the Street.....Silver & Grey, Manhattan
- The Sartorialist Jr.
- Next Week Stockholm!
- On the Street.....Karla & Amelia, Manhattan
- Silver & Brown For Men, Manhattan
- Man Fashion: Street hairstyle
- Sartorialist Super All-Star - BFM, Upper East Side
- On the Street.....Little 20's, Little 70's, Little...
- On the Street.....Mother & Daughter,Howard St.
- Street Man Fashion: Enthusiasts